We put in a large effort into getting you the support that you need regarding your party bus or limousine. Det Party Bus values clear communication. It's easy for signals to get mixed and crossed when having a dialogue. Det Party Bus tries to set up our site to be as informative as possible so you can get your party bus or limousine answers here. Although, of course there's always that shade of grey where things get lost. The way you interepret things plays a role in how you understand them. Det Party Bus wants you to be educated when making decisions about your party bus or limousine. If you have something that isn't necessarily clear to you, get in touch with us asap. We want you to know the pertinent details about your party bus or limousine so you can be well informed before boarding. If you don't communicate with Det Party Bus, how can we serve you? We can't address things that have not been brought to our attention. If you need some more clarity about Det Party Bus and our selection of vehicles we can assist you with our expert knowledge. Det Party Bus is seasoned in the party bus and limousine industry. We've gained valuable insights in our time of supplying luxury transportation. Det Party Bus wants you to make the right choice about what you need. We do not swindle our clients out of their money by making you get more than what you need. Det Party Bus is upfront and honest with you so you can feel at ease with us. We aLso tailor you party bus or limousine reservation to the needs of you and your group. Trust is another huge component of any working relationship. If you can't trust the people you're working with you might want to reconsider the situation. Det Party Bus puts everything on the table so you can be informed and make clear choices. If you feel that you have something that needs to be answered feel free to ask Det Party Bus. It's only a disservice to yourself when you keep your thoughts from Det Party Bus. We offer the tools necessary to support your party bus and limousine concerns. If you decide not to take advantage of them then that's your perogative. Detroit Party Bus loves delivering rapid service. To help speed up the process of assisting you, we've added the most frequently asked questions here. When you've done this as long as we have, you begin to notice trends. Most people have exact or very similar inquiries regarding their party bus or limousine. Go over the list below before reaching out to Det Party Bus. There's a very high likelyhood that you'll be helped with the information below. If you still would like more answers or can't find your question below assitance is always here from our end. Just send out the contact to Det Party Bus and we'll cover the rest with you via phone or email.